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Kareem Taxi Booking App Source Code

Kareem Taxi Booking App Source Code
Kareem Taxi Booking App Source Code

Kareem Taxi Booking App Source Code

Kareem Taxi app provides full fledge functionality to create your own taxi service that supports multi-trip app along with multi-country support so the app can provide different kinds of services while keeping different areas countries in view,,,


[Kareem Taxi Booking App Source Code Characteristic]

*Supports multiple countries
*Supports multiple types of trips
*Multiple payment methods
*Redeem coupon code

*Trip history and schedule trips
*Rate the Captain
*Report the problem later
*Support Captain App
*Verification of necessary documents (license, car documents)
*Arrival time in real time


Taxi Application App Source Code
*Real-time captain tracking animation
*Captain’s earnings report (weekly, monthly)
*Captain’s bench detail
*Profile management
*User Management
*Accept / decline trip
*Captain winning
*Share app
*Rate application
*Privacy Policy
*Support admin panel

Taxi Booking App Source Code


*Estimated duration and rate
*Real-time distance estimation
*Real-time captain tracking
*Chat in real time
*Turn-by-turn navigation (route navigation)
*Schedule advance travel reservation,,,


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